Gum disease is a serious oral heal issue that affects millions of Americans. When you visit the dentist for routine dental care appointments, she will thoroughly check your teeth for the early signs of gum disease. With preventative dental care near Silver Lake area of Everett, WA, you can ensure that your gums and teeth remain healthy throughout every stage of your life. In the event that your gums develop periodontal issues, your dentist can provide you with a range of effective solutions. To help you avoid periodontal disease in yourself or your loved ones, here is a closer look at the stages of gum disease.
Gingivitis is commonly referred to as the first stage of gum disease. When a patient develops gingivitis, infectious bacteria will have travelled from the exterior of his or her teeth into the gum tissue. Some of the signs of gingivitis are red or swollen gums, blood when flossing, or slightly bad breath. By catching gum disease at this stage, you will be able to quickly and easily reverse the damage.
Moderate Periodontal Disease
Once gum disease has advanced in a person’s mouth, it is referred to as periodontal disease or periodontitis. The early stages of periodontal disease typically show up as increased redness of the gums, as well as bleeding during brushing or flossing the teeth. When a patient has developed the symptoms of periodontal disease, he or she may also have begun to lose bone in the jaw. At the first sign of periodontal disease, you should be sure to visit your dentist.
Advanced Periodontal Disease
If periodontal disease is not treated, it will continue to spread and worsen in the gums and bones surrounding the teeth. Once a patient has advanced periodontal disease, his or her symptoms will be very severe. For example, pus or blood may surround the teeth, and a person may experience pain when chewing. Eventually, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. With the help of your dentist, you can avoid the advanced stages of gum disease and keep your smile healthy and beautiful.