Learn what is periodontal surgery and the situations in which it is used

Good oral hygiene is crucial for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. If you have pre-existing gum disease, skipping dental visits can damage your gums by exacerbating the infection. This can make periodontal surgery inevitable. Learn what periodontal surgery is and the conditions it treats.

What Is Periodontal Surgery?

Periodontal surgery is a modern treatment used for treating severe gum infections known as periodontal disease. Periodontal surgery is helpful for:

Conditions Treated By Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal surgery is performed to treat the following conditions:


  • Gingivitis refers to inflammation of the gums. It causes swelling, redness, and bleeding in the gums. Poor oral hygiene and plaque buildup is the leading causes of gingivitis.


  • When gingivitis is left untreated, it leads to an inflammatory response that can damage the tissues and bones. This condition is known as periodontitis, and it is a severe form of gingivitis.

How Is Periodontal Surgery Performed?

  • A dental surgeon may use different procedures to perform the surgery depending on the type and severity of the disease. Following are the primary procedures of periodontal surgery:

Flap Surgery

  • People who have tartar deposits in deep pockets are treated with the help of flap surgery. In this procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions or cuts in the gums to lift the gums off of the teeth.

The buildup of tartar and bacteria is then removed from the teeth and the area under the gums. Once the tartar is removed and the area is cleaned, the surgeon will stitch the gums back to fit the tissue firmly around the teeth.

Bone Grafting

  • When gum disease progresses it can damage the bone that surrounds the root of the tooth. In this case, the patient needs a bone graft to replace the bone that has been destroyed. The bone graft used during this procedure may be made from small fragments of the patient’s bone, donated bone, or synthetic bone. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent tooth loss and to promote natural regrowth of the bone.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

  • In this procedure, a small piece of material that looks like a mesh is placed between the gum tissue and the bone. This mesh-like material helps prevent the gum from growing into the space where bone should be. Thus allowing the bone and the connective tissue to regrow.

Soft Tissue Grafting

  • Loss of gum tissue can lead to gum line recession. Soft tissue grafts are used for restoring the lost tissue. During this procedure, a small amount of tissue is removed from the roof of the mouth and attached to areas with missing or sparse tissue. Sometimes, donor tissues are also used for this purpose. Tissue grafting covers the exposed roots and reduces the risk of further damage.

Preparing For Periodontal Surgery

what is periodontal surgeryA pre-operative exam is performed before the surgery to ensure the safety of the procedure for the patient. The following information is obtained during the examination:

  • Medical history of the patient
  • Stability of teeth, mouth, and jaw
  • Any infections, abscesses, or lesions that could complicate the healing after surgery

In addition, the risks and advantages of the surgery are discussed with the patient and the patient consent is obtained before performing the surgery. The patient may be asked to stop taking certain medications including aspirin, pain killers, and blood thinners.

If you are suffering from gum disease or need information about periodontal surgery, contact Icon Dental Center today. We are a team of highly specialized dental professionals providing top-notch dental services in Everett and Seattle. Call us today at 206-225-2882 and let us take care of your dental treatment needs.

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